Transforming Empty Space

Volunteers at work at Remakery Brixton, 2013.

Space is running out in Brixton and rents are sky high. Not a very promising environment for social and creative enterprises you might think, let alone for community farms. But, as our arts and culture team have found out, you’d be very wrong. In this special feature we reveal some of the projects turning Brixton’s unloved buildings and spaces into creative and community assets.

From an underground car park being transformed into the Remakery Brixton workshop, to an art collective running out of a disused pub, people of all walks of life are proving that there’s no such thing as useless empty space, just spaces waiting to be transformed.

Compiled by Arts & Culture Co Editors Ruth Waters & Barney Evison

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Making space for art
Brixton East & Simulacra Studio
The Effort Collective

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Making space for community
Loughborough Farm
Remakery Brixton

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