In support of its 500+ business members, the Brixton Business Improvement District has created a “Restarter Pack” which aims to assist businesses to reopen their doors safely, by protecting both staff and customers. The packs, distributed today in collaboration with cargo bike specialists Pedal Me, include ‘Stay Safe in Brixton’ posters, floor vinyl, a facemask, a protective visor, reusable gloves and hand sanitiser.
As local procurement was key to sourcing the individual pieces of the Restarter Pack, Brixton BID reached out to their local business community. Local craft beer makers Brixton Brewery were able to source hand sanitiser and bottle it at their brewery; while Squire & Partners architects – who are also producing face visors and scrubs for the NHS – agreed to support business neighbours by producing 3D printed face screens.

Michael Smith, Director at Brixton BID said: “Assisting our businesses to re-open safely, keeping staff and customers safe during this period is important to the Brixton BID. Local businesses such as the Brixton Brewery and Squire & Partners have been integral in getting these Restarter Packs together for distribution. This is a phenomenal local effort. Local businesses assisting other local businesses to get the local business community going again.”
Tim Gledstone, Partner at Squire & Partners added: “It’s so important that local businesses support each other through the challenges of COVID-19 – the need to take action was clear and urgent. Sourcing items like hand sanitiser and PPE in a time of mass shortage is difficult for individual businesses, but can be done when we come together as a community and tap into our local resources.”

He continues: “Using Squire & Partners’ tried and tested 3D printed visors for the NHS to supply Brixton business owners will help support shops and services to get back on their feet. The pack has been designed to feel distinctly Brixton using bright colours, and we added a ‘One Love Brixton’ message on every visor. Teaming up with the BID and Brixton Brewery we were able to create a fun and practical pack which helps businesses to keep serving the community.”
Stage one of delivering the Restarter Packs was started last week, with businesses along Brixton Station Road, Atlantic Road and Electric Avenue receiving a kit. Brixton BID will be continuing to distribute packs over the coming weeks.
For more information on the project visit brixtonbid.co.uk