Mental health charity Mosaic services online

Poster for Mental Health Awareness WeekAs the theme of Mental Health Week (18 – 22 May) is kindness, Brixton-based Mosaic, a pioneering mental health charity has been asking members for examples of how someone has been kind to them recently.

Mosaic’s Nancy Holden says: “We all need to hear positive stories at the moment! One member sent us a photo of a delicious dinner his neighbours shared with him. Others have had their shopping done by neighbours they had never met before or have heard from friends and family that they had lost contact with

Nancy explains what impact the coronavirus lockdown has had on the charity’s work.

“We are doing well, we are learning to adapt to lockdown and supporting our members in different ways. Since 23 March our building has been closed, due to Corona virus, but our community is still open.

“Our building has always been the centre of our community, staff and members run our centre together, working side by side, but we have had to find new ways to work. We are calling all our 400 + members every week, some every day. We’ve had some great feedback about these chats and check ins.”

Mosaic staff members outside on Effra Road with placards saying are you ok?

Find one testimonial here: www.mosaic-clubhouse

“We have been sending post to those members who are most isolated or that we haven’t been able to get hold of by phone. We have an online writing group happening over email, run by members, our Yoga classes are still being run online, one of our members has set up an incredible interactive email art group, another has set up an online radio station, taking requests and reading poems.

“We are in touch with many partner organisations who, like us, are working out new ways of working and supporting people.”

Mosaic has had to adapt to using online resources. The newsletter In the Mo is now being sent out electronically and unit meetings are held on Zoom twice a day.

“We’ve also held a Policy Meeting, (our forum for making decisions), a Board meeting and the first of our meetings looking at how we can reopen again online. We are working closely with other organisations that help people get online, as the internet is more important for staying connected now more than ever.”

The Information Hub, a signposting and information service for all Lambeth Residents is still open, Monday to Friday, 9-5pm, on 07984 343 643. Our Evening Sanctuary crisis service is still accepting new referrals, from health professionals, all the information is on our website.