Co-Pop traders (l to r): Fari, Karlene, Janet, Patricia and Miri
Co-Pop, a co-operative trade movement made up of women entrepreneurs, is celebrating a year of trading at Pop Brixton. The Co-Pop women radiate passion and enthusiasm for their business with a shared love of art, fashion and beauty. It’s a great one-stop shop to buy your Christmas presents.
After mentoring and support from the charity Tree Shepherd through its “Start Your Own Enterprise Programme” they were ready to open their door. They pool resources and help one another develop their business.
Originally there were 10 in the co-op, but like any start up some drop out. But they say they have all learnt something from each other along the way. And “We’re still standing” One of the few businesses with a social interest and that is local. They laugh “We are the only locals in the village!”
Janet runs the Vintage business, Karlene is a Make up Artist and provides beauty services, Patricia produces Whyte Bells beauty products, Miri makes Vintage Rose hand-made jewellery, Justine runs comtemporary fashion, and Fari sources and sells Retro clothing.
They split the week into shifts and each do a day and a half. They are a one-stop shop, the common thread being fashion and beauty.
They’ve struggle a bit to get known. Patricia says “We’ve had our ups and downs. Being at the back of Pop Brixton doesn’t help.”
They hope this will change in the run up to Christmas..
Co-Pop is still looking for other local people interested in sharing space. “Anything that is retail, fashion, beauty and the would like to display then ‘come and join us’.”
Janet says the business has a social purpose too: “I want to grow the business so that I can help children with autism.”. She says many children with autism, like her son, with the right support are capable of doing a lot.