A man hit by a number 35 bus on Brixton Road this evening is in a “stable condition” according to police.
Brixton Road is still closed in both directions between Acre Lane and Stockwell Road after the man was struck by a bus under the railway bridge at about 8.15pm
A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police told Brixton Blog: “We were called at 8.15pm to Brixton Road close to the underground station.
“A male pedestrian in his late twenties was taken to hospital. His condition is described as stable.”
Cathy Ashley said on Twitter: “Just saw a man walk in front & be hit by a bus in Brixton. He’s badly injured – pl anyone who prays do your most to ensure he’ll be ok.”
Andy Loughran told Brixton Blog the man was hit by a bus on the southbound side and was being treated by paramedics at the scene.
In an update at 9pm TfL said: “Brixton Road. Currently closed in both directions due to a collision between A203 Stockwell Road and Acre Lane. Expect delays.”
I do not have the facts about this case but generally.
The Bus drivers should be aware that people do take unneccesary risks at these crossings, I think some of the drivers are just not good enough or doing a job they don’t like because they can not get another.
I blame TFL you pay peanuts, you get monkeys
I have been saying for years that the crossing outside M&S needs a look at. I wrote to TFL numerous times in the early 2000’s and it remains the same over a decade later. Many vehicles and yes TFL, buses included, go through these lights on red and end up either blocking or going through the lights when the green man is showing for pedestrians. It is not the first time there has been an accident here and until TFL deal with this crossing it won’ t be the last. Interestingly there are no cameras at this crossing to catch those who jump the lights nor speed cameras in the centre of Brixton itself. There are speed cameras and cameras to catch light jumpers at opposite ends of this road. On Brixton Road before entering the centre and at the end of Effra Road and up Brixton Hill. Why not also in the town centre where numerous pedestrians are to be found and accidents most likely to occur. The lights outside the tube are no better either.
Don’t blame the crossing or the buses until you have the facts. The bloke may have tried his luck by wandering onto the road or trying to beat the green light. From the photo it looks like the collision occurred after the crossing. The bus may have only started to move off.
Its a busy junction and any sensible pedestrians should know to take extra care around that area and not to take risks. The traffic aint going to go away. Any more restriction will just cause more traffic build up and risk taking.
definetly agree this crossing needs looking at for pedesdtrians, cyclists & vehicles. quite often vehicles & cyclists have gone through on green going southbound but the pedestrian crossing has already turned green.
they’ve done a great job with the junctions and the roads further up by windrush square but need to do something about this junction and the one by the police station.
really hope the man is okay.
This comes as no surprise to me, and I hate to say it but this was an accident waiting to happen. The buses drive this road like maniacs. I have been walking on the green man before and they have still driven through on the red. A few years ago because of bad driving by buses, I got into a tangle with a car on the pedestrian crossing (when the green man was showing). The local Councillors were going to try and do something and it even reported to TfL but surprise surprise nothing happened. I hope the man is okay, but it’s a shame no=one bothered to tackle this problem sooner.
Very very sound advice from db. The busses that run up Brixton Hill are terrifying in how fast they go. The cyclists who weave in and out of them are just insane, although they do have the effect of slowing the busses down somewhat.
Brixton, we have a traffic problem.
Whole road was blocked for this for hours, thought it must have been a crime! Wait for the little green man to come up and stop running across Brixton Road… only advice that can be given there
The problem is many vehicles go through these lights outside M&S when the green man is showing. Any observation in rush hour traffic will prove this statement correct. It is especially blatant bad driving in the early evening rush hour. Last evening a bus went through the M&S crossing @17.40hrs and pedestrians were shouting at the driver and banging on the side of the bus. The town centre CCTV may well have picked this up? Not good TFL.