Lambeth and Network Rail appoint architects for Brixton masterplan

ALL CHANGE: Brixton Central is outlined in red above
ALL CHANGE: Brixton Central is within the thick red line above

Lambeth council and Network Rail have appointed architects to come up with a new masterplan for central Brixton.

The council and rail company are major landowners in central Brixton, and say they want local people to help with proposals for its regeneration. The area, outlined above in red, was highlighted as a ‘major area for growth and investment in the town centre’ in the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

Brixton Rec
SAVED: An additional surgery will focus on the Recreation Centre as part of the masterplan

Two firms, Fluid Architects and AECOM, have been enlisted to help come up with the plan. They have now begun setting up a “local reference group” to help with the brief ahead of wider community engagement.

Brixton Central includes Station Road, The Recreation Centre, Pope’s Road ice rink site and the numerous arches in Valentia Place.

A spokesman for Lambeth said: “The masterplan development brief will detail the type of development and public space we want in the area, as well as how it should be delivered. “Wider engagement with local people will take place in the summer, with the study finishing in the autumn of 2014.”

Working closely with the Brixton Rec User Group (BRUG), the council is commissioning additional survey and capacity work for Brixton Rec, to understand the nature and scale of improvements needed. This will include looking at how the building could be further modernised to meet future leisure demand in the area, as well as the potential to improve its energy efficiency.

Writing on its website last year, Fluid said: “Fluid’s role will be to support Lambeth Council in the co-production process leading to a development brief for Brixton 2014, following initial viability testing to establish options.

“Brixton is established as one of London’s highest profile cultural destinations and is of particular significance to the British African-Caribbean community”.

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“The Brixton Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) builds on the The future Brixton Masterplan was completed in 2009 providing detailed guidance on key potential developments across the centre.

“The Council and its partner Network Rail, both major landowners in the area are jointly commissioning this Development Brief for the Town Centre.

‘The masterplan is to be ‘co-produced with local citizens'”

More information will be published on the Future Brixton website  and via the Future Brixton mailing list.


  1. What needs to happen first is giving the walk-through at Brixton Rail station a make-over. I’ve been here 8 years and it hasn’t been touched.

  2. Tim, yes Brixton should HAVE been a station on the ELL (East London Lline), but the line is now open and the link to the LB Lambeth page you posted is old. For some reason Lambeth and the local London Assembly member did not support a station stop at Brixton and the nearest ones are at Denmark Hill and Clapham High Street – very frustrating as you shoot over Brixton on the ELL without stopping. Sadly the political support for it was not there for some reason. Still, local elections on 22 May this year and a chance to put all local politicians on the spot about this and other policies they might support..

    • Yes, the ELL should stop at Brixton. The single most beneficial thing that can be done for people of Brixton is to improve transport links, thus opening a greater geographical range of jobs for the people of Brixton, and encouraging more visitors to visit Brixton’s markets, restaurants and entertainment venues. It is disappointing that Lambeth has not secured a station for Brixton on this Overground route.

      Imagine a new transport hub of real architectural merit, a necessarily ambitious and exciting design reaching as it must high level tracks, probably a public/private partnership, tying together the tube and railways stations. It could contain a careful mix of high street and independent shops, a covered market area where existing market traders could set up stalls, eating places and cultural spaces. Surely there is city, national or European support available to improve the deprived Coldharbour Ward ? And surely all political parties, at all levels (GLA and local council) would support such an idea ?

      The case is made more compelling if the “Catford Loop Line” platforms were to be reinstated, with stopping services connecting Brixton to Lewisham and beyond. This would make Brixton a node of one tube line and three overground lines, as well many bus services.

  3. Classically Brixton that 5 years on after whatever was spent on the last Master plan, we have effectively a new one to waste money and time and defer any actual decision making for potentially another day.
    Anyway, for what it is worth, I like the idea of pathing and removing traffic of Atlantic Road at the Brixton Road end, opening more of the arches for paths, opening up the Rail Station entrance to make it more appealing and safe, heavy fines and parking restrictions for those who park their cars on pavements while dropping into the market.

  4. Yes. Pedestrianisation and the Overground link are vital.

    The rail station needs a much better entrance – and presence.

    Apparently some of the original station building is still there – but obscured

    The shops could gain by having common signage rather than the garish competing confusion there now.

  5. Stop Atlantic Road from being a through-road just like Herne Hill did – it would change the dynamic for all market traders.

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