New masterplan set to revive Loughborough Junction

MASTERPLAN: An artist's impression of what Loughborough Junction could look like.

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MASTERPLAN: An artist’s impression of what Loughborough Junction could look like.

Loughborough Junction Action Group (LJAG) and Lambeth council have co-produced a plan to guide the regeneration of the area that sits between the neighbourhoods of Brixton, Camberwell and Herne Hill.

The Loughborough Junction Plan will determine the council’s expenses on things like new public spaces, improving the environment for walking and cycling, planting trees and managing traffic and rubbish.

The aim of the plan is improving connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists, provides high-quality community spaces distributed around the Junction and sets out ambitions for the developing of a series of ‘yards’, which can help to build a sense of local place.

It also aspires to create local opportunities, for example, supporting local businesses, creating affordable workspaces and increasing green space and leisure amenities.

Cllr Lib Peck said: “This plan is exciting and imaginative but the test now will be how many of the ideas are translated into action. The Council’s made a start by improving Cambria Road, setting aside funds to design and develop some of the other route improvements identified.”

The plan is a community-led project which has been made through a series of public consultations over an eight month period from October 2012 to May 2013.

Now LJAG has to decide the improvements that should be made to the area over the next two years and it needs the help of the Lambeth community.

Anthea Masey, Chair of LJAG, said: “We believe that people have the right to live and work in places that are safe and attractive, that are easy to walk and cycle around and to socialise in. This engenders a sense of pride and a sense of belonging.

“To this end LJAG works to put Loughborough Junction on the map as a place distinct from Brixton, Herne Hill and Camberwell with its own character and sense of community.”

The next public consultations will be: November 10 (11am-3pm), November 14 (3pm-7.30pm) and December 8 (12pm-5pm).


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