Monday 21 May
Take One: Oral history training @ Community Hub
As part of the ‘If Walls Could Speak‘ project on the Brixton murals, the Oral History Society are giving free training until Wednesday in interview techniques, making podcasts and the ethics of oral history. There’ll be practical exercises and a chance to do interviews out and about.
Oral history training at Community Hub, 23-24 Prague Place, SW2, free, 10.30am-3pm
Take Two: Spark London storytelling open mic @ Upstairs at the Ritzy
Fitting in nicely with the oral history, Spark London are hosting their storytelling open mic night at Upstairs at the Ritzy tonight. Stories must be true, first-person accounts and about 5 minutes long. And they have to be connected to a theme – this time, it’s ‘fireworks’. Hope you’ve got some sparky stories.
Spark London storytelling open mic at Upstairs at the Ritzy, 7.30pm, free