A ballet class for twelve to sixteen year-olds is starting up in Brixton today and the first class is free.
Alexzandra Ashman, a second-year student studying Arts Management at South Bank University, has set up the class at The Brix at St Matthew’s Church
. The first class is free, the second £3 and the rest will be £5.
Ballet at the Brix, St Matthew’s Church, 5-6pm, free. Beginners-intermediate level, 12-16 yrs
Take Two: Science in the Pub @ Upstairs at the Ritzy
The brilliant Science in the Pub takes over Upstairs at The Ritzy tonight. The themes are getting more wonderfully obscure by the month – tonight’s is ‘5 worse things than being eaten by a shark’. Horrible things animals do to each other will be the focus of discussions. Lovely.
Science in the Pub at Upstairs at The Ritzy, 6pm