A Book For Brixton Village

Inside Brixton MarketBuy Recipes from Brixton Village

I am pleased and slightly apprehensive to tell you that Brixton Village is getting its own cookbook next year. The pleasure comes from the fact the book will celebrate all the food traders and sellers in the Village, not just the well known ones. The apprehension comes from the fact by the time you read this, I have just one day  left to get the manuscript to the publisher and may be panicking ever so slightly…

Luckily I’m writing it for the fantastic Kitchen Press books based in Scotland and I have the full support of all traders who have been generous with their time, recipes and their food as the project has come together over the last nine months.

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  1. What a fantastic idea. I love the diversity of the recipes. I like the fact that you addressed the issue of the gentrification of Brixton with the line “If you’re worried that it will become too gentrified or too white or leave the community behind, you need to try and use it for the day to day items and ingredients where you can and encourage others to do the same”. Gentrification is a concern for many residents. Lovely to see it addressed and accompanied with a positive solution.

  2. I’d love to buy a copy especiall because we’re moving overseas next year. Can you please let me know when it’s published?

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