Police detail work on Brixton street crime

police car on street at night

Local Metropolitan police have set out plans and action for tackling anti-social behaviour and crime in Brixton, including three months of patrols targeting drug dealing and use in central Brixton.

They say that they have increased engagement with youth, faith and community groups and have been working with Afewee, the multi-sport charity based in Brixton Rec.

Safer neighbourhood team (SNT) officers attended the youth football club class and are backing the team’s bid for funding to create more classes and prevent crime on the street.

SNT officers met youth team members at The Link business centre on Effra Road to discuss referring people under 25 years old to help them with drug, alcohol, and trauma issues.

The Met said SNT members were also addressing concerns raised by local people about drug dealing and use in central Brixton including Windrush Square, outside Brixton Tube station, Electric Avenue, Atlantic Road, Rushcroft Road, Coldharbour Lane, Saltoun Road, Mervan Road and Effra Road.

Police said drug activity “leads to people sleeping on front door steps and also causing lots of damage to property”.

They said “officers and partner agencies will perform a number of targeted patrols over the next three months, specifically but not exclusively on Windrush Square and surrounding roads during peak times and try and target the dealing that happens on the square”.

Officers have also joined Lambeth council staff in “weapons sweeps” in Brixton “hotspots”.

Brixton town centre has seen an increase in theft reports and robberies and also shoplifting, mainly from Thursday through Sunday.

Police said this includes both phis is both pickpockets and robbery involving force.

Officers will liaise with Brixton Business Improvement District (BID) and its safer business network, asking them to help police identify prolific offenders.

New Brixton town centre team officers will conduct more plain clothes operations iduring peak times.

The Met said officers would work along with the council and charities including STREETLINK to try to tackle rough sleeping and aggressive begging and to support the people involved where necessary.

The Brixton Windrush section of the Met’s website has details of their work.