A senior police officer, Lambeth councillor and council officer will take part in a Lambeth town hall meeting on anti-social behaviour (ASB) on Thursday 30 November.
It is organised by the Action on ASB! campaign which has sprung up in Brixton as a result of increasing concern over the public sale and use of drugs and the abuse of people and property.
The event is open to everyone who lives and works in Brixton and is designed as an opportunity to question the police and council. It is due to start at 7pm in the town hall in Brixton and doors will be open from 6pm to allow people from Brixton to meet and network.
The meeting will start with an update from the police and Lambethcouncil about their plans to deal with ASB.
Superintendent Gabriel Cameron, Chief Inspector Ashlee Gomes and Inspector Simon Blondell from the Metropolitan police are due to be at the meeting.
Lambeth council is to be represented by Cllr Mahamed Hashi, council cabinet member for safer communities, and Nigel Lambert, assistant director, public protection, assurance and regulatory services.
From 8pm the meeting is planned to break briefly into groups to discuss priorities for the community which will then be discussed until 9pm.
Not only are local residents concerned about drug-dealing, public urination and worse. The Brixton Business Improvement District (BID) organised a meeting at Pop Brixton which heard of shoplifting, theft and other crimes having a major impact on local traders, large and small.
People planning to attend the town hall meeting can register in advance.
See the agenda for the meeting