Simply sourdough

Her starter ready, Abby Jones bakes a sourdough loaf

Once your starter is active, it’s ready to use as yeast! Making a loaf is really easy, fun and satisfying, here’s a simple recipe for a simple, delicious loaf..

mixing bowls with flour

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Tip 500g of strong white flour

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into a mixing bowl

Add 230ml of warm water and a sprinkle of salt and a spoon of honey and mix this in to the flour

Add half of your starter (remember to feed it again as usual)

Tip this onto a floured surface, and knead it for 5 mins, and then form into a big dough ball. (Top tip – if it’s sticky, add more flour, if it’s dry, add more water …

uncooked sourdough loafOil your mixing bowl with some olive oil (To stop the  dough sticking as it rises)

Tip your dough into your well oiled mixing bowl

Leave it covered (I use a clean tea towel) for around three hours in the bowl, preferably somewhere a bit warm (by a sunny window is perfect)

After about three hours, tip it back onto your floured surface, and knead again for five to 10 minutes and replace in your mixing bowl for its second rise.

risen sourdough loaf in tin*Timings here depend on the strength of your starter, and the temperature of your house.

They say that the dough should rise to about twice its original size before baking, but, again, don’t worry too much, just go for it and judge it with your eye. It may take even longer (sometimes people leave it overnight), but if you feel like it’s grown enough between kneads, get baking!

Put your dough on a floured baking tray, into a hot oven, and bake at around 200C (fan oven), or 8 (gas) for around 40 mins until golden, remove, let cool, and eat!

Happy baking!

sourdough loaf sliced on board