Incredible Edible Lambeth (IEL) is running two schemes that recognise the difficulty of growing outdoors during the coronavirus lockdown. ‘Growing for your Community’ is giving away free boxes to grow veg on windowsills. The revised Blooming Lambeth Awards 2020, is launching with six categories to reflect the limited access to the outdoors.
‘Growing for your Community’
‘Growing for your Community’ IEL is giving out free boxes that contain all you need to get started with growing veg on your balcony, windowsill or back yard. Janie Bickersteth says: “We are encouraging people to grow from seed and hand on seedlings to people who need extra food (after your own needs of course). Get in touch if you’d like to be added to the project, incrediblelambeth@gmail.com.
“In order to fund this project, we are running a Crowdfunding bid. Please support us, as we encourage many more people across Lambeth to grow food.”
Find out more and keep up to date at www.incredibleediblelambeth.org.
Blooming Lambeth Awards 2020
IEL has launched a revised Blooming Lambeth Awards 2020, with six categories to reflect the limited access to the outdoors that we are now all experiencing says Janie Bickersteth, Chair of Directors.
“There’s a chance to win a prize for the most creative container or growing space for edibles; a community garden that has shared its produce; a photograph, a short story, poem or two minute video about Nature or food growing. We are looking to award prizes to food and drinks companies that have adapted their businesses to work during the pandemic, and of course, for food growers – those of you who have grown the most vegetables and schools that have inspired their families to keep growing at home.”
You will be able to nominate shortly so get thinking and keep an eye on the IEL website for further information.
IEL says: “You can nominate yourself or someone else; there are cash prizes to be won, so don’t delay – get creative! We still very much hope that we will be able to celebrate successes by getting together in October for the awards evening, but we will adapt to whatever guidelines are provided nearer the time.:
Keep an eye on www.incredibleediblelambeth.org for details. The event hashtag is #BloomingLambethAwards
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