Free Saturday workshop on debt management

With austerity policies showing no sign of letup, the rise of pay day loans and credit flowing like water, the demand for urgent advice on debt management has surged. But with billions cut from grant funding to community organisations, resources are thin on the ground.

Two professionals in the field, Emma Lough and Andrea Ferdinand, have stepped up with their own crowdfunded initiative and this Saturday 16 September they are holding the first of a series of free workshops ‘Money Talks’ at Sunshine International Arts C.A.F.E, 209A Coldharbour Lane, SW9 8RU with the aim of helping people to manage their financial needs and avoid long-term hardship.

The workshops are designed to help people identify their own particular financial problems and then to help them construct a financial plan that addresses their individual situation. But perhaps more importantly they will also help people confront their fears around debt, encourage them to break their silence and effectively communicate both their financial and personal needs to creditors and other decision-makers.

Participants will get an introduction to budget management tools, receive one-to-one coaching and develop an action plan that works for them. They will also receive £15 to help cover their expenses.

Emma Lough

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is a trained lawyer and experienced trainer in welfare and social security law. She has worked previously as a caseworker in a debt advice organisation and project managed an advice and advocacy project to support migrant women in UK prisons. She has a ‘Train the Trainer’ qualification and has wide experience in delivering community-based workshops.

Andrea Ferdinand is a qualified social worker by profession with experience working in local government and the voluntary sector in the US and UK. Andrea has worked in community development in the US and has travelled abroad for leadership exchanges in non-profit management. She has experience in facilitating community-based workshops on various social justice topics.

To register please click here.

If you have any questions about the workshop, if would like to attend but all the tickets are taken, or if you would like to be notified of future workshops, please email: