Brixton will get an extra two police officers from next week that are paid for by local businesses and the council. Constables Richard Weaver and Ian Nicholls will work with local businesses and provide an increased police presence around the town centre.
The two Metropolitan Police Officers will be funded by Brixton BID
(Business Improvement District) and will work with local businesses to tackle crime and anti-
social behaviour.
Working with Lambeth council, the BID has taken advantage of the London mayor’s Met Patrol Plus scheme.
The scheme previously known as BOGOF – Buy One Get One Free, allows local authorities to purchase additional constables.
Michael Smith, Director of Brixton BID said: “Businesses have identified policing as a key priority relating to both the night time and daytime economies in Brixton.
“The introduction of the officers will mean Brixton has a dedicated police resource to focus on business-related concerns, such as antisocial behaviour, begging and shoplifting.”
Each business will be able to contact the dedicated officers direct, rather than having to make an emergency call. The officers will work shifts that enable them to cover the
night time economy.
Cllr Mohammed Seedat, council cabinet member for healthier and stronger communities, said: “I welcome this commitment by the Brixton BID. We have seen in other parts of the borough how effective dedicated officers can be in boosting local policing.
“Brixton has a thriving economy and these new officers will have an important role in supporting the area as a great place to work, shop and play.”
The scheme is already in operation in three other BID areas, Streatham, Vauxhall and the Southbank.