Brixton Neighbourhood Forum meeting

Windrush Square

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The next meeting of the Brixton Neighbourhood Forum takes place on Thursday (31 March) from 7 pm at the Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road (the entrance faces Windrush Square).

Key agenda items will be:

Brixton BID: Business Improvement District director Michael Smith will report on recent progress and future plans for promoting and supporting local businesses.

Libraries: A round-up of where things stand.

Lambeth Forum Network: Report back from a network awayday on prospects and plans for neighbourhood forums around Lambeth.

Information Exchange: An opportunity for local groups to update the forum on current issues or announce coming events.

Anyone is welcome to attend a forum meeting and non-members will not be charged at the door, but will be invited to pay for an annual subscription (£1 for individuals and £20 for associated community groups or organisations) if intending to attend regularly.
