Lambeth library staff vote to strike

library-demo_DSC_0118Union members working for Lambeth libraries have voted by 88.5% of a 57% turnout to strike against the council’s plans for their future.

Their union Unison will now discuss with its members what form the action will take.

Lambeth Unison’s Ruth Cashman said: “This vote shows the commitment library staff have to defending the services we provide to our communities.

“We know that libraries can change lives, we know this is nothing short of cultural vandalism and we won’t stand by while our library network is dismantled.”

Unison said pressure from local wards of the Labour Party against the council’s plans was growing and that three of them had passed motions calling on the council’s ruling Labour group to drop plans to turn three libraries into gyms and close others. Instead, they called on council leaders to back proposals suggested by its head of libraries Susanna Barnes.


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