The Friends of Windmill Gardens are appealing for support to save the education programme at Brixton Windmill. You can sign the online petition here here
The group is asking Lambeth Council to reverse their decision to delay the new Windmill education building. Over 600 signatures have been collected so far on a paper petition in Brixton, plus 270 online.
Brixton Windmill, one of Lambeth’s most famous landmarks, is 200 years old in 2016. Since it was restored in 2011 with a grant of just under £400,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), 4,000 people have visited the mill. Over 2,800 children from local schools have found out about how the mill works, its history and how flour is produced.
In January 2015 the council agreed to provide a new building in Windmill Gardens, to secure the future of the Windmill and the education programme. But now Lambeth officers propose to delay the building for an unspecified period of time.
A new building is needed as Holmewood Nursery run a Stay and Play for preschool children in the existing centre which limits access for educational visits and storage.
The petition was presented to the council on 18 November by Cllr Adrian Garden and awaits a response.
Jean Kerrigan, chair of FOWG, said, “Brixton Windmill is the last remaining windmill in Lambeth. Aside from ensuring that we protect the borough’s heritage sites for generations to come, it is an amazing place for children to visit where they gain an understanding of how bread is produced and the grinding of wheat.
“A new building would also allow us to grind flour more regularly, as we would have somewhere to store the grain and milled flour. This opens up other possible income streams.”
“We are asking the public to support us in stopping Lambeth Council delaying its building plans, as an educational centre will enhance the visit for the children and the thousands of people that come to visit Brixton Windmill every year. Our education officer’s contract runs out at the end of December, so an urgent decision is needed.”
For further information about Brixton Windmill visit.