Broken down car and faulty traffic lights bring Brixton traffic to a standstill

Picture by Transport for London

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Picture by Transport for London

Brixton commuters faced their third morning of travel hell this morning, when a broken down car on Brixton Road caused massive delays.

Transport for London (TfL) tweeted about delays of up to half an hour after the vehicle stopped under the railway bridge in the centre of town. Traffic soon backed up Brixton Hill and left people stranded in their cars and buses.

Traffic was still very heavy at 10.15am, with TfL now blaming the problem on faulty light signals in the same area.

Comedian Daniel Ruiz Tizon took to Twitter to say: “That was a painful journey. Crash at #Brixton. Got off. Walked 4 stops, then caught the same bus again.”




  1. Looks like any other week day during rush hour on Brixton Road. Sometimes it takes an age to get round from Effra Road to the Town Hall, most passengers have worked it out that it is quicker to get off the bus at St Matthew’s Estate and walk to the tube. Many days you can beat the bus.
    It would have made sense to push the car down Atlantic Street rather than leave it blocking a major A road into central London. Health and Safety, I suppose when it comes to pushing cars???

  2. How can it be so hard to remove a car? Surely a few people could have pushed it back onto Atlantic road

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