It’s been a while since we had to feature a missing feline on the pages, but now two have come along at once.
Fluffy is a black long-haired cat, with yellow eyes, who hasn’t been seen since Sunday (September 1), lives in Rattray Road, Brixton.
Her owner, Eleonora Claps, told Brixton Blog: “She’s a beautiful cat, quite nervous with strangers. Since she normally does not disappear for more than half a day without coming back for food, I am quite concerned.
“She normally likes wandering around the back gardens in Rattray/ Mervan/ Dalberg road area, so my hope is that she is simply enjoying the outdoors at the moment.”
Eleonora added: “In case anyone has seen her, it would be fantastic if they could email me at elettronora@gmail.com or call me on 07773 240226.”
We are happy to say that Fluffy is back home!!! We found her just outside our flat, in a little patch of green in Jelf road, just before the weekend. Thanks so much to all our neighbours who have helped us looking for her and who have given us their incredible and precious support!!!!! Thank you Brixton Blog for putting the word out there!