MISSING MOGGY: Dino, from Raleigh Gardens, Brixton Hill

Dino - missing moggy from Raleigh Gardens, Brixton Hill
Dino – missing moggy from Raleigh Gardens, Brixton Hill

**UPDATE: Dino has been found today (Fri 14 June). Anne tweeted this picture of him back safe and sound, ‘if a little dazed’.**

The owners of Dino, a ‘chubby food loving British Blue cat’, have put out an appeal for sightings.

Anne Fairbrother, his owner, says he is ‘never normally far away from his home and garden or his food – he lives with with a chef.’

‘He went missing from Raleigh Gardens/Brixton Hill on 11th June and we have searched high and low. He is 6 years old, with beautiful blue/grey fur. He was not wearing a collar but is micro-chipped. He is not normally adventurous and a little on the shy side. It’s the first time he has vanished.’

‘We love him dearly and want to welcome him back home with a special dinner. Dinner and cocktails are on offer at Brixton Cornercopia  for anyone who helps us find him.’

Any info please contact: 

Anne – 07803528739
Ian – 0780589069

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  1. Judging from that twitter pic he had one hell of a boy’s night out or had some dodgy catnip. You should ask him where the cat gang left Oscar (the other missing cat).

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