Music Chose Us at Brixton Jamm

Music Chose Us @ Brixton Jamm
Music Chose Us @ Brixton Jamm

Brixton Jamm will play host to a new night launched by the Discovering Arts Music Group (DAMG) on Wednesday 27th February: Music Chose Us.

The promoters say that the night “not only 

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aims to provide a platform for the UK’s most promising and exciting artists to proclaim their music but also caters for all music-lovers and industry officials in search of the stars of tomorrow or simply those who want to enjoy a fun night out in an atmospheric venue, while listening to new music of today.”

The first show’s line-up is Hooks, Krystle, Loverproof and DJ Sandy – haven’t heard of them, but I guess that’s the point!

Check it out and let us know what you think.

Tickets are £8 on the door or £5 on guestlist.

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