Wednesday October 17

Take One: Open Mic Night @ Electric Social
Fancy yourself a singer, beat boxer or star jazz meister? If you have any performative skills at all, get yourself down to the open mic night at Electric Social on Acre Lane. Embrace the embarassment, we say.
Open mic night at Electric Social, 40 Acre Lane, 8pm-11pm
Take Two: Get sporty @ Brixton Rec
If you don’t want to spend millions on a posh gym, then we think the Rec is the best place to be (posh gym or not, quite frankly), especially if you want to try out one of their taught classes. Classes on offer today include yoga at 1pm, pilates at 7.30pm and bums, tums and thighs at 8pm. Make sure to book your place in advance by calling 0207 095 5100 or book online here
. Alternatively, swimming in the pool at sunset is just about our favourite Brixton activity.
Sport at the Recreation Centre, anytime you like.