Tuesday October 9
Take One: Africans in Britain – 1500-1640 @ Minet Library
As part of Black History Month, Dr Miranda Kaufmann tells the story of ‘Edward Swarthye, alias negro’ who was porter to Sir Edward Wynter in Gloucestershire and in 1597 testified in court that he had whipped another servant, John Guye. Dr Kaufmann has discovered the stories of over 350 Africans in England between 1500-1640 and will discuss how they came to be here and what their lives were like in Tudor England.
Africans in Britain – 1500-1640, an illlustrated talk by Dr Miranda Kaufmann at the Minet Library, 7pm, 52 Knatchbull Road
Take Two: Adult ballet @ Studio b
A new dance studio called Studio b has opened in Brixton offering ballet, street dance and yoga
to all ages. We are quite tempted (despite two left feet) by the adult ballet lesson on tonight at 6.30pm.
Adult ballet at 6.30pm, Studio b, 130 Brixton Hill, 0208 671 2402, £7 per drop-in class and six classes for £30