RECYLED: Artist’s impression of the new remakery centre in Paulet Road
An exciting Brixton project which is rebuilding a disused garage block to offer a reuse and upcycling workshop is holding a picnic this Sunday in Myatt’s Fields Park.
Members of Brixton Remakery will be in the park, in Cormont Road, from 1-5pm tomorrow. They will be joined by Karen from Makerhood, an initiative to promote local artists and “makers”, as well as the creative culinary team from Brixton People’s Kitchen.
The project received a £100,000 grant from Lambeth Living to renovate the rundown space in Paulet Road to help mobilise Brixton’s wasted resources and skills. Blog contributor Ruth Waters went along to the last picnic to speak to project manager Hannah Lewis, and you can read the interview here.
Sun 26 Aug 1-5pm: bring food to share. With show-and-tell at 3pm from Karen from Makerhood, an initiative to promote local makers and create a website for people to buy things made in their neighbourhoods. And also alongside delicious food made by Brixton People’s Kitchen. Meet in the ‘Quiet Garden’ near the Greenhouses in the south west corner of the park from 1pm.