Brixton Windmill hand out free gingerbread to Blenheim Gardens residents

The Friends of Windmill Gardens delivered a surprise gingerbread brunch to residents living on the Blenheim Gardens estate next to Brixton Windmill last Saturday 17 March.

The group knocked on doors in the area and handed out 250 free gingerbread windmills to publicise the events lined up at the Windmill over the summer.

The season of open days starts on April 1 with a special day reserved just for residents of Blenheim Gardens. The next public open day will be on April 7 and there will also be a May Day parade following the success of last year’s opening festival.

Jean Kerrigan, Chair of the Friends of Windmill Gardens said: “The local community are an important part of the Brixton Windmill story and we could not have achieved so much without them.  This is our way of saying thank you to them andmaking sure that they have had a chance to see inside their windmill.  We also want to say a huge thank you to the Old Post Office Bakery in Clapham for donating the gingerbread windmills.”



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