Saturday, 27 July, 2024
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Brixton Advice Centre to leave historic Railton Road HQ

Brixton Advice Centre, a fixture on Railton Road for decades, is selling its building...

Council aid for EU residents to stay in Lambeth

Lambeth council is to fund local charities to advise European Union nationals living in...


Too many Lambeth tenants still receiving ‘unacceptable service’ says Ombudsman

Improvements in its housing service made by Lambeth council, have not been “seen and felt” by residents, the Housing Ombudsman said today (11 January)...

Housing Ombudsman raps Lambeth council over five-year repair delay

The Housing Ombudsman has made six findings of severe maladministration against Lambeth council over three different cases. “A recurring theme throughout is the unacceptable time...


Angell Town residents urge council to ban alcohol sales

More then 60 residents of Brixton’s Angell Town estate have objected to plans to open a convenience store there that would sell alcohol from...

Financial pressure sees council end free garages for Blue Badge holders

The severe pressure on Lambeth council’s finances has led to the end of its policy of not charging rent for garages it owns to car...

Brixton crime plan fails to materialise

A much anticipated and packed meeting to hear a joint Lambeth council and Metropolitan police plan to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in Brixton...

Lambeth call for end to uncertainty on aid for poorest

Support for the poorest and most vulnerable people in Lambeth is being disrupted by uncertainty about the future of the government household support fund. The...


Brixton meeting launches alliance for action on crime

At a packed meeting in Brixton, two leading local community organisations launched an alliance to press the police and Lambeth council for more effective...




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