Brockwell Lido hosts Fun Palace this Sunday

    Fun PalaceThis Sunday (5 October), Brockwell Lido will be one of 100 UK venues hosting a ‘Fun Palace’ – a free event that promises to deliver ‘the energetic to the scientific, the silly to the serious’.

    Based around a meeting of arts and science, this experimental occurrence will include a range of frolics, such as swimming with mermaids (yep, you heard right), walking with sound, spooky stories, learning sign language, giant games and paddling a kayak.

    There will be plenty of familiar faces too by the sounds of things – Barrie the Illusioneer, the Brockwell Park Miniature Railway crew and the Windrush Triathlon club, to name a few.

    In short, there should be something for everyone, so it might be worth a mosey on down.

    (There’s also 50% off at the Lido Cafe’s barbecue – so take an appetite as well as an open mind.)

    The event runs from 11am to 6pm, 5 October.

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