New video … dancing in the streets of Brixton

Local singer-songwriter and drummer Eleonora Claps turned to local people and places when she made a video for a song from her recent album 10PM.

She lives on Rattray Road and the well-received 10PM is her second album. The video for Working, a track from the album, was filmed in and around her home in Rattray Road and surrounding streets and features, she says, “other Brixton-based ladies, making the most of the local LTN”.

Brixton Blog is pleased to help premier the video …

“The song is all about exhaustion, and needing to cram 2,000 things into 24 hours every day,” says Eleonora.

“It is something that, as a mother of two with a full-time (day) job, I am particularly affected by (I am exhausted!)

tired woman at typewriter

“But it really is such a common experience these days, when everything is done at such speed!

“So the video shows some real-life moments in the house – the laundry clothes pile-on is a particular favourite!

“And then there is the much needed liberation and recreational dance routine in the streets!”

  • Working video credits:
  • Music & lyrics by Eleonora Claps
  • Directed by Eleonora Claps, Zahida Palma and Goat
  • Filmed and edited by Goat
  • Choreography and movement by Zahida Palma 
  • Dancers: Suoraya Chenguelly, Elena Morán, Alexandra Oberstadt, Louise Thomas, Frances Tuke

You can find out more about Eleonora, who was born in Milan, and her work on her website

You can stream the whole 10PM album on Bandcamp






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