Showcasing young talent: Love and Lyrics at Brixton House

rapper performs

Local young journalists Uma Kukreja (words) and Dominic Brown(images) report on Love and Lyrics – A Valentine-themed music showcase at Brixton House theatre

Love and Lyrics, was a huge success – fantastic new music, networking, good food and fun, all focused on the theme of love.

Organised by Michelle Killington, community connector at Brixton House and mentor to some of the artists performing, and JAGO XYEN, hip hop artist and founder of clothing brand Wrld Xyen, the event was created to give upcoming artists a bigger platform, while fostering a creative community.

The evening began with networking with a Valentine’s twist. On tables in a pink-lit area, there were bingo cards with creative roles in the boxes for example, “rapper” or “visual artist”. If you met someone fitting that description a box could be crossed.

This game skipped small talk and, together with the heart-shaped cards for people to write their socials on, the prospect of networking became less daunting.

Hosts Andrae Melody Palmer, also a Brixton House community connector, and Angelina Venus, began the event with help from the excellent DJ Bully Beef.

Both humorous hosts were talented singers and full of energy which they passed on to the crowd with repetitive chants.

From punchy rap to powerhouse vocals, the audience got to experience a wide range of music during the “talent showcase”. A special mention to 16-year-old LittleKay’s performance which included precise, varied rhythms and a consistent tempo.

At a time where booking venues is expensive, this event gave a fantastic opportunity for young people, including LittleKay, to perform to a larger audience.

Young people were highlighted at the event. Intermission beats between acts were created by two trainee producers under the previous mentorship of Michelle Killington and currently Anjelo Disons (singer, record producer, studio engineer) from World Heart Beat Music Academy.

During the break, I met people from varied backgrounds, some with jobs in creative industries and some from other sectors.

With local food from Maureen’s Brixton Kitchen, local artists and guest speaker, this event was truly a bringing together of the community.

Singer Nur (@nur_musiik) connects with a guest from Brighton

Special guest Fredi Nwaka’s talk was inspiring and compelling. Fostered as a child, he joined a gang in South London, but eventually changed his path to exploring the arts, including rap, acting and eventually film-making.

I particularly loved when he talked about why he made art – to feel seen when he felt he wasn’t seen.

In a time where racism was more overt and prevalent, Nwaka overcame many obstacles to become successful.

His wisdom was passed down to the younger generation that evening, where he shared insightful advice including his mindset which isn’t made up of “if” but rather “how” and “when”.

The audience were clapping and dancing throughout the final part of the show which featured new artists – from Redrum with her lyrics centred around financial and social issues in Britain, to CJ who successfully got the crowd to join in with each chorus.

YungSBK kept the energy up with his emphatic and roaring voice. The atmosphere was fantastic and supportive, a group of young men were showing their love for the music, yelling to one side of the stage, and, to the other side, Michelle Killington’s support for young people and their music was clear from her enthusiastic dancing and huge smile.

To close the show Nur confidently came on stage with her rich voice captivating the audience. For her final song she came down from the stage to teach everyone a simple dance. Watching everyone dance and laugh together, it’s obvious that nothing brings people together like music.

This was a fantastic night out as well as an important event, as it was an opportunity to showcase the amazing talent we have in South London to a local audience.

The event was supported by Healthy Living PlatformVibes FM, and Brixton Street Wear.

Uma Kukreja –

Dominic Brown @dom_on_tv




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