Brixton BID this week have released a letter they have sent to Lambeth Council, local MPs and London Night Czar, Amy Lame, to call for changes to the government imposed curfew.
Brixton BID on behalf of Brixton business owners are calling for the curfew to be cancelled as they believe the curfew is ineffective and destructive for the hospitality industry, not just in Brixton but across the UK.
The letter states that Brixton businesses are “deeply concerned”, saying the curfew that currently requires hospitality venues to close at 10pm is “poorly thought through, ineffective and destructive”.
Brixton BID outlines concerns from the local Brixton restaurants, pubs and bars that these new measures will cause Brixton’s renowned evening and night-time economy to close. The lost in revenue for these businesses will lead to further redundancies and make recovery, following months of closure and extra expenditure on COVID-19-secure measures, extremely difficult.
The letter points out several issues created by the curfew, including overcrowding on public transport as a mass exodus happens across the town centre at 10pm. They also point to increases in unregulated drinking in “non COVID-secure places, such as private homes, and unfairly targets an industry that according to Public Health England, accounts for just 3% of COVID cases.”
Brixton businesses are reporting a 50% reduction in revenue as compared to pre-curfew, which they describe as “unsustainable and unnecessary” as it impacts staff wages.
Brixton BID conclude: “The evening and night time industry needs support, not further restrictions and ineffective and destructive policies. This is why we are asking the Government to cancel the curfew, focus efforts on ensuring that hospitality venues are complying and operating safely, and providing sector specific support. The evening and night-time economy is not part of the problem, it is part of the solution.”
Read below the full statement from Brixton BID.