Still singing and dancing

Dance teacher Sonia Abdallaoui and singing teacher Precious Wilson say the lockdown won’t stop them putting their talent and experience at the disposal of new generations of creative people. They are both adapting their experience as Brixton dance and music teachers from the physical classroom to an online presence. Those who still love to learn or improve or simply enjoy their skills can still take online classes.

Singing and dancing around the house can be great therapy when you’re confined to home.


Sonia Abdallaoui
Sonia Abdallaoui, who has been teaching dance in Brixton for 20 years, was born in Paris and moved to London when she was 18.

Sonia explains how she deals with the lockdown. “During this difficult time my students have been sending me lots of their concern and say how they really miss the ballet and street dancing classes. So, to help them practice at home I have been organising dance challenges on Instagram.’’

Sonia’s dance classes came to wider attention when the class she did at a local school was filmed by the BBC. This led to her own Saturday dance.

“I loved the vibes and mix of people in Brixton and that was what I was attracted to and why I love to live and work here now.”

Sonia works with dancers from all over the world America, Jamaica, Poland, France and Brixton – the world hasn’t stopped tapping its feet – but is doing it online.

“On Instagram my dancers all over the world to do a dance routine and send me a video which I post online.”

This has led to a casting agency, Matilda, to ask for video of some of her students for potential film work. 

At this time next year Sonia predicts “I will be teaching dance wearing a mask and dancing 2 metres apart. So Brixton Dance School in 2021  I will definitely be teaching dance in person!”

Every who loves to dance should check Instagram –





Singer Precious Wilson
Precious Wilson, teaches singing in Brixton but her voice has been in demand internationally. She was one of the pioneers of the UK Black music revolution of the late 70s and 80s, alongside Junior Giscombe, Jazzy B (Soul 2 Soul), Heatwave, Loose Ends, and Eddy Grant.

Born in Jamaica, Precious moved to London in the sixties when she was seven years old.

Precious explains how she has dealt with and adapted to the coronavirus lockdown.

“Since the Lockdown I have been adjusting to the ‘new normal’, doing coaching, singing lessons and artist mentoring via Skype and Zoom. The Coronavirus is forcing us to see the ‘bigger picture’, just how fragile we are, how precious life really is, and how we are connected as humans.

“The virus impacts you, me and everyone else in this world and the ripple affect of this will change the way we work and interact with each other now and in the future.”

 Precious is keeping positive and has even inspired with an idea for a new course.

Mentoring illustration“My vision is to help female business owners who want to move from struggle, anxiety and feeling frustrated with their voice, to move to the next level – by using ‘Speaking and Presenting’ to grow their business.”

Precious says the methods in her new course will help to develop the right mindset and maximise your voice.

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“This is a transformation process – from struggle and fear to ultimately creating a richer voice for confident presenting which they can then go on to use for Podcasts, Webinars or Public Speaking.” 

Precious is looking for founding members to boost the launch. She wants to help give people their voice to ‘move on’ So to all those who wish to use their voice through singing or speaking with strength and confidence contact Precious on

or check her facebook page.

Her singing career as lead of the soul disco group Eruption started when she was only 16. The group sang and had hits with covers from well-known classics like I Can’t Stand the Rain.

Her work includes television and stage and she was part of the hit musical Blues in the Night. She also sings in the title track to the movie The Jewel of the Nile that starred Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner. The track was written by Britten and Lyle who also wrote Tina Turner’s smash hit What’s Love Got To Do With It.