During Fostering Fortnight (which runs till 31 May) the council are appealing to the community for new people to come forwards and apply to become foster carers. To find out more, register for the online fostering information evening on Thursday 21 May at 7pm.
Fostering during lockdown comes with unique challenges, but despite this, Lambeth heroes such as Doan (above), are welcoming vulnerable children into their homes.
Doan is married and lives in Kennington. She has been fostering for Lambeth for 10 years and is passionate about the difference carers make to the lives of young people. Doan supports Lambeth’s aim to grow our network of foster carers and works with the council to support new foster carers by mentoring them. Doan describes various aspects of being a foster carer to teenaged children, including the challenges, satisfactions and the support she gets from her own children in a series of films. You can view here.
To read more about Doan’s story, and others, visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/foster-stories
Lambeth’s appeal for help
Our Fostering Team are urgently appealing to local people with a spare room and the capacity to care for a vulnerable child to consider stepping forwards during this crisis.
Cllr Edward Davie, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “We know we have a strong caring community in Lambeth and there are others, just like Alex, who want to make a positive contribution to children in need. If you’ve ever considered fostering, Lambeth needs people like you. Now, more than ever, as increasingly children and their families become affected by coronavirus.”
Merlin Joseph, Lambeth’s Strategic Director of Children Services, said: “Fostering is a varied and demanding role but our dedicated social work team are here to support you every step of the way.
“With Foster Carer Fortnight starting on 11 May we’d also like to take this opportunity to thank all our remarkable carers for their contribution to our community, particularly during this unprecedented time. Each and every one of them has opened up their home and taken on a 24-7 role to better people’s lives – you really are local heroes.”
Who can foster?
To become a Lambeth foster carer, there are only a few basic criteria you must meet. You must:
- be over 21 years old
- have a spare bedroom
- be a full-time resident in the UK or have indefinite leave to remain
- have good spoken and written English
You don’t have to own your own home and we welcome couples or individuals from every walk of life.
Find out more about becoming a foster carer
To find out more or arrange a call back from a member of the team, visit www.lambeth.gov/foster. You can also find out here about any upcoming events and watch recordings of past live Q&A sessions.