Animals and vegetables at the Country Show

Animals and vegetables are once again the stars of the Lambeth Country Show.

Check our images below to see the entries for the Lambeth Horticultural Society’s vegetable art competition – with a tent of its own –  open untll 6pm today, and Cavalry of Heroes, appearing today in the main arena at 3pm and 6.15 pm.

Peabag and Phoe-bean Waller-Bridge
Peabag and Phoe-bean Waller-Bridge
Kaleing Eve
Kaleing Eve
The [high in] iron throne
The [high in] iron throne
Glastonberry with Cornzy and Kaley Peanogue
Glastonberry with Cornzy and Kaley Peanogue
Salvador Da-leaves
Salvador Da-leaves
Megan Rapinoebergine
Megan Rapinoebergine
RIP Grumpy Cat
RIP Grumpy Cat
Rien courgette? Let them eat kale
Rien courgette? Let them eat kale
Melon Brando as The Podfather
Melon Brando as The Podfather
Some small cress for man. One giant leek for mankind
Some small cress for man. One giant leek for mankind

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Cabvalry of Heroes
Cabvalry of Heroes

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Raw Sound Collective on the Village Green stage
Raw Sound Collective on the Village Green stage
Rain held off, mostly …
Rain held off, mostly …
… but the mud was already in evidence
… but the mud was already in evidence