Twelve hours of music, street art and food, and workshops will come to Windrush Square on Saturday 12 May to celebrate Brixton diversity.
Three organisations, AndWhat? LDN (a music first arts collective), Small World Urbanism (a network of creative people based in Brixton) and Bringing our Communities Together (community building and liaison) have formed a new organisation – Congregate Festival.
It plans to organise training programmes for disenfranchised local people, especially young ones.

It is planning a series of music events – Congregate Brixton – with the first in Windrush Square on 12 May, followed by 30 June, 18 August, 6 October and 24 November.
They are part of a plan to “reinvigorate local entertainment, media and creative aspirations for young people, developing professional skills and talents, working with community partners”.
UK reggae stalwart Shumba Youth will be on stage with Channel DoJo.
I Love Vinyl Mewill host open decks from noon to 2pm so vinyl junkies should get there early to sign up for a chance to be part of the ultimate back to back.
London jazz powerhouse, DJ Gordon Wedderburn will present “We’re Jazz”, a talk and listening session.
Brixton boy James Sativa will perform a set with guitar, trumpet, loop pedal and a book of rhymes.
Soul singer and And What regular Antonia Carrena will be joined by her band to perform her original tunes.
And What resident selector Gonan will close the event with dancefloor-inducing eclectic selections.