Library of things launches podcasts of borrowers stories

The Library of Things container where you can borrow useful items

The team behind the Library of Things which launched a year ago, have just launched a series of podcasts featuring stories from its members and borrowers. Library of Things, a social enterprise based in West Norwood, allows people to borrow useful items cheaply rather than having to buy them. The project is run by social entrepreneurs Rebecca Trevalyan, Sophia Wyatt and Emma Shaw.

The Library of Things Podcast is now available to download.

Library of Things is a place where people can borrow useful things and learn how to use them. Instead of buying and storing drills, sewing machines, carpet cleaners and more, you can borrow them at affordable prices when you need them.

Produced by Maria Passingham, the four weekly episodes and accompanying bonus features look back at the impact Library of Things has had on the community, the people that have come to borrow, and how the enterprise might develop in the future.

You can download the podcasts and subscribe from iTunes / Apple Podcasts

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/ Android podcast.

The series kicks off with an exploration of community, how Library of Things is connecting neighbours, and if it can help with the problem of loneliness. Another episode covers cooking and sharing food, featuring Kath and her children who bake fresh bread every day for a week with the bread machine.

Later in the series Maria discusses how interventions like Library of Things help shape the environment – whether that’s our homes and neighbourhoods, or on a bigger scale, the planet. Co-founder Emma talks about the living roof on top of one of the Library’s shipping containers, installed by the London Wildlife Trust to attract bees to its wildflowers, reduce local flood risk, and provide a talking point for local people young and old with its colourful periscope.

The Library of Things works with partners like Karcher, Bosch, Berghaus, Patagonia and B&Q to stock high quality items.

Library of Things also hosts events like DIY classes and mending meet-ups. The team is busy creating a platform for teams around the UK to easily, affordably and collaboratively set up a Library of Things in their area.

To find out more, email Podcast Producer Maria Passingham or contact Library of Things Community Activator Alys.

Previous article on the launch of Library of Things here.


  1. West Norwood needs a library of books. Not a library of things. When will we learn how the services in the new West Norwood library will compare with those in the former library before it was destroyed by repeated theft (of the copper from the roof) and astounding incompetence on the part of Lambeth building services (in handling the consequences of the thefts) ?

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