Voters gave their verdict on which community projects should get funding from the Brixton Fund at a packed meeting in Pop Brixton on Wednesday 29 June.
Six projects that made it to the short list set out their stalls and competed for a share of the money. The divvy up was decided by voters casting their 10 beans into the project ‘ballot boxes’
The top award of £1,500 went to The Spacecraft, a new social enterprise that aims to reduce social isolation and loneliness. Their first project is to bring together local older people to knit baby booties which will be sold locally and online with a personal note about the maker.
Vintage Voices scooped £1,100 to run workshop with Lambeth elders to capture memories and help develop new writing and story-making skills.
Chaigaram, a specialist Indian tea company that offers employment for refugees and helps them integrate and gain language skills by selling and talking to tea drinkers, was awarded £1,000. The money will allow them to set up stall in Brixton Market.
BDT PressGang, a Raw Talent project, was awarded £700 to provide work experience to school students. They will learn media skills and use these to write reports for the Bugle and the Design Trail.
Lambeth More in Common (MIC) were awarded £510 for a Brixton to Boston coach trip. These two communities were on opposite ends of the scale in the Brexit referendum. MIC wants the groups to discover what they share in common and challenge media stereotypes of division.
And finally the Brixton Rec Users’ Group was awarded £190 for campaign and information publicity to maintain a strong user voice. The Brixton Fund is the Brixton Pound’s micro-grants fund and supports local individuals and groups to strengthen and benefit communities. It’s aims are : to take action for social justice; to enhance local employment opportunities; to build and strengthen community. If you missed it their round, you can apply in September.
The Fund is sponsored by Marsh & Parsons, Brixton BID, The Queen’s Head, Brixton Neighbourhood Forum and Seven at Brixton.