There’s more to political campaigning than knocking on doors once every few years. Joe Wallen meets a Brixton resident whose love for our diverse community means she works all the time to protect it

Laura Fatah is a member of the South London section of the Stand Up to Racism (SLSUTR) campaign whose members meet fortnightly to organise fundraising and public meetings.
She feels local support. A recent collection outside the Tube station raised more than £400 in a single evening. The money helped refugees stranded in Dunkirk.
Laura, 26, a long-time Brixton resident, says: “We all love living in a diverse community, and now’s the time to protect it”.
SLSUTR says it promotes a society free from racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism and welcomes migrants and refugees to the United Kingdom.
Laura recalls a large national demonstration in Westminster earlier this year. It was a great display of unity, with people from all walks of life coming together under a positive goal of inclusion, to stand up for marginalised people everywhere, she says.
“Families, activists, teachers and pensioners alike, who all wanted to be counted in the fight against racism and discrimination stood together.”
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