Lambeth College – The Careers College is seeking former students who can inspire the current generation to academic success and career confidence.
The college is working with the education charity Future First to set up ‘old school tie’ networks and harness the talents and experience of alumni to support current students.
The college wants to contact former students in established careers and vocations and recent leavers in further education, alumni who live nearby and those who have moved away.
More than 180,000 former students nationwide have already signed up to Future First’s scheme to stay connected with their old school.
Fiona Whitewood, head of marketing and and communications said: “The scheme will enable us to capture learner destinations and strengthen the ties between past learners, employers and the college.”
Christine Gilbert, Future First executive chair and a former Ofsted chief inspector, said: “Every state school student should have the opportunity to succeed in life after school, regardless of their background. If students see people like them have succeeded, they are more likely to believe they can too. They work harder and have higher expectations of success. We want more schools to see the benefits of using their alumni as a powerful resource.“
Former students can contact Lambeth College – The Careers College at alumni@lambeth.ac.uk. More information on Future First is on ther website www.futurefirst.org.uk.