Tulse Hill residents celebrate Black history in style

Hazel Turay (centre) with Desica Benjamin and Tracey-Ann Munroe
Hazel Turay (centre) with Desica Benjamin and Tracey-Ann Munroe

Leaflet for Black History Month

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Residents of Tulse Hill Estate celebrate Black History month next Friday 30 October with theatre, dance, music and a chance to taste local dishes.

Coordinator Hazel Turay says: “It’s a celebration of what black people have achieved but is also a celebration of multi culturalism. Everyone is welcome”. Doors open 3-7pm at the Jubilee Community Hall Tulse Hill Estate SW2 2LU.
Events include: Linstead Market – a play celebrating Jamaican folk tradition; a traditional dance performed by the local community; an exhibition of traditional arifacts and traditional food.


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