Lambeth council’s first directly delivered new-build council housing by for ten years is under way at Akerman Road near Myatt’s Fields.
Due to be finished next summer, the £1.9m scheme consists of nine new homes at social rent created by the the restoration and modification of two Victorian terraced houses and three new energy-efficient PassivHaus homes.
The project is being funded by money from planning development and a successful bid to the Greater London Authority’s Local Growth Fund.
One of the existing houses, number 56, was home to music hall legend Dan Leno between 1898-1901 .
More recently they were temporary hostel accommodation for homeless people.
Cllr Matthew Bennett, Lambeth council cabinet member for housing, said the scheme protected Lambeth’s heritage and secured badly needed homes for local people.
And here ends the advertorial for Lambeth Council.
Another pointless, toothless article from an increasingly pointless website.
Thank you for your kind words
Nine new homes. Great news. In only ten years. Any idea how many flats in the mega private blocks just finishing on the other side of Akerman Road, site of the former Myatts Fields council; estate?