What’s On in Brixton: September 18 – 24

    Your guide to what’s happening in Brixton this week


    UrbanFoodFortnight_logo_BLOGFriday 18 September: For two weeks as part of Ubran Food Fortnight, Loughborough Farm will be hosting a temporary cafe and market shop opposite the farm in the Platform on Loughborough Road. Come down to sample their delicious vegetables – grown on site – or enjoy a piece of cake made by local volunteers. They will also be holding workshops throughout the two weeks on topics such as DIY, breadmaking and nutrition.

    Saturday 19: Movimientos are back at Hootananny with Afro-caribbean, latin and gypsy rhythms. They have Son Pikkante from Brighton with heavy Afro-carribean rhythms. Joining them are guests Afrocodios with Afro-Venezuelan drums from Caracas. Performing their farewell show are local favourites Los Pelos Rizos with gypsy funk and hip-shaking latin grooves. Free before 10pm, £4 after with membership, £6 without.

    Saturday: Lambeth Metropolitan Police are holding a community cricket match at Kia Oval. It is a family event and everyone is welcome. Gates open at 10 am and the match, which will see the community take on the police team, starts at 1 pm.

    The Street Gallery featuring Eley Kishimoto. This outdoor public exhibition - devised and created by Squire and Partners architects - will present a curated series of ten large-scale canvases on the facades of the former Bon Marche department store, to showcase the creative talents of people living and working in the area.

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    The Street Gallery featuring Eley Kishimoto

    Monday 21

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    : As part of the Brixton Design Trail, architects Squire and Partners are creating a street gallery at the former Bon Marche department store, with ten canvases created for the Brixton community by local designers. The Gallery will launch a bespoke Brixton print by Eley Kishimoto, “The Patron Saints of Print”, adorning the façade and pavement.

    Tuesday 22: Jon Newman from Lambeth Archives uncovers the sorry story of the River Effra, once a sparkling stream running the length of Lambeth but long since downgraded to an underground storm relief sewer, as he maps its course from the high ground of Norwood through Herne Hill and Brixton to the Thames at Vauxhall. 7pm at Brunswick House.

    Art-Booty-for-web_v7cvmxTuesday: Brixi will be laying on an art car bootsale at Brixton East 1871. Art Car Booty is a bootsale with a difference – a one-off evening extravaganza promises Brixton’s finest art shenanigans – no muddy fields or early starts. For more info visit www.brixi.co.uk.

    Wednesday 23: The Women’s Equality Party Lambeth branch are holding their second meeting at Effra Social at 7 pm. If you want to get stuck into debating and developing idea for the party and help work towards a Lambeth branch which represents the diversity of the borough then this is for you. For more info email wep.lambeth@gmail.com

    Wednesday: For getting fit, you can’t do much better than the Afewee boxing sessions every Wednesday from 7 to 8.30 pm, with boxing training, circuits, cardio and more. £5 per session, but the first is free.

    Have we missed anything? Got an upcoming event we should know about? Email newsdesk@brixtonblog.com with details