Award winning fish and chip shop coming to Brixton

brockleysrockLewisham fish-and-chip shop, Brockley’s Rock, will be opening a new branch in Brixton.

The restaurant and take-away will be opening “Brixton’s Rock” at 118 Acre Lane, previously home to Clifton Hok Wok.

Brockley’s Rock say they support sustainable fishing so their main fish is line caught and has won “Best Chippy Chips in London” for two years in a row at the Choice Chip Awards.

Rico, manager of the shop, said they would hopefully be open by the end of July.

“We love the community feel in Brixton,” he said, “and we think there is space for a delicious fish and chip shop in the area. I hope we’ll be well received.”

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  1. Tried fish and chips twice and steak pie once from you Brixton outlet. Everything was fresh and the taste was wonderful. A brilliant choice for good takeaway food. Well done.

  2. Agreed, I do not know, unless someone else can inform me, of a good chippie in Brixton. Kennedy’s is a good one, but does s not do fish pies, only meat ones, which I have always thought a bit counter-intuitive. Hopefully, the best chippie in London can deliver a decent fish pie.

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