The Duck Egg meets Market House


Good news and bad news for breakfast lovers in Brixton! After almost five years in its current home at 424 Coldharbour Lane, the Brixton branch of The Duck Egg cafe is on the move. It will be opening at weekends only in Market House after outgrowing its former venue across the road.

The good news is that Mustafa Ertan, his wife Yanda and his staff will be able to seat and feed twice as many covers as they currently do and you’ll be able to wait for a table indoors and with ready access to a drink, depending how your weekend is panning out. All the old favourites will be available with new dishes such as the Ottoman breakfast bringing you a taste of Turkish food along with your duck eggs. Sundays will see proper roasts, including duck, so no more compromise if one person wants eggs Benedict and the other wants a Sunday lunch.

The same staff will be working there and all the food will continues be made from scratch  as Mus and his team know what Brixton likes and wants it to continue to eat well with them. The bad news is that if, like me, you tend to frequent The Duck Egg during the week, you’re going to have to find a new haunt as they will no longer be open Monday to Friday.

Changes to rents and leases in Brixton have made a move necessary but Mus didn’t want to leave his patch of Coldharbour Lane for new premises in the Village or Atlantic Road or to close to only focus on the Dulwich branch. It made sense to team up with the Market House and create a new style of weekend eating in Brixton and keep growing with the area as it changes.

Regular customers are more than welcome at weekends across the road and Mus and his family  are sorry to see any weekday only customers go, but hope they will make a special trip to pop in some weekend. They know that it’s the loyalty of the regulars that have allowed them to become well loved enough to make the move and would like to thank everyone who has supported them.

The Duck Egg at Market House will begin trading every weekend from February 28th, opening hours to be confirmed.

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