Brixton Splash are holding auditions which will be open to the public so you are welcome to invite fans, friends and family along to support you. The more support you have at the auditions, the more you will be noticed. So spread the word! Fundraising for Brixton Splash will also take place on the day of the auditions, so get involved – the more the merrier.
The auditions we see as a mini Brixton Splash event, as it really gives us a better idea of how you perform in front of an audience. The environment will be just what you are use too, a stage and a great audience to perform too.
This year our aim is to have a near as possible live event, with as many acts as possible performing with a live band – no backing tracks. So for those acts that usually perform with backing tracks, please let us know, as we will endeavour to look into options for you to perform with a live band on the day of the Brixton Splash Festival. We will discuss this further at the audition, so please bring your backing tracks along to the audition. If you do require a live band, please let us know by sending us a quick email. Audition Performances will be approx. 5 minutes for solo acts and 10-15 minutes for bands or up to 2 songs.
For DJs wishing to play at Brixton Splash, we really would like to meet you and hear what you can do. There are no guarantees that you will get a slot on the day of Brixton Splash, however, we have a number of after parties that are looking for DJs also.As you may be aware Brixton Splash is currently fundraising for the event, to ensure that we can keep it free and open to the public to enjoy every year. The size of the event really depends on the support that we receive from the wider community. We do encourage everyone to support our crowd funding page by promoting it on twitter, facebook, instagram – absolutely everywhere!Brixton Splash Crowd Funding Page Link: https://www.buzzbnk.org/ BrixtonSplash2014We look forward to seeing you at the auditionsBrixton Splash – Music and Programming Team
Brixton Splash Festival
Brixton Splash Festival
Audition dates: June 27, July 4, July 11
6pm at Arch 365, Lendal Terrace, SW4 7UX.
Brixton Blog wish you luck – we can’t wait for this year’s offering of South London music from Brixton Splash!