Lambeth fireworks return to Brockwell Park after traffic concerns at Clapham Common

Fireworks at Brockwell Park in 2011. Thanks to Joe Freeman for his Flickr pic.
Fireworks at Brockwell Park in 2011. Thanks to Joe Freeman for his Flickr pic.

The borough’s fireworks event will return to Brockwell Park this year, not Clapham Common as had been announced..

The annual bash, funded by Lambeth council, was due to take place at Clapham Common on November 5 but the council decided today to move it Brockwell Park, Herne Hill, citing traffic concerns.

The fireworks, which require “significant funding”, will be produced by the team behind the whizz-bangs at the London 2012 games. The the wider event will place between 5pm and 10pm on Guy Fawkes night.

Cllr Sally Prentice said earlier: “Today we can confirm that Lambeth’s annual fireworks show will take place in Brockwell Park on November 5th this year, rather than Clapham Common.

“The event is one of the biggest annual firework displays in London and one of the best in the country. Attending an organised event like Lambeth’s annual firework display is the safest way for residents to enjoy a truly spectacular fireworks show. We encourage everyone to come to Brockwell Park to enjoy this fantastic event.”

For the first time this year revellers will be asked to donate towards the “significant” cost of the fireworks.

There used to be three free displays across Lambeth every year – at Streatham Common, Brockwell Park and Clapham – until they were reduced to just one in 201o to save cash. The council said they would rotate the one event between the three venues each year.

Last year, though, a last minute decision

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was taken to hold events at both Streatham Common and Brockwell Park after emergency services raised security concerns.

What do you think of the move? Is it time that Lambeth council planned ahead a bit better?  A win for Brixton or unfair on the Claphamites? Let us know by leaving a comment or tweet us @brixtonblog.


  1. Third year in a row at Brockwell Park.

    That would logically suggest that it shouldn’t be held there for another 3 years, if we’re really being fair. But I doubt it.

    I can usually see the fireworks from my home in Clapham, and it’s always nice seeing the whole community walking up to the Common to join the fun. It’s not quite the same when you’ve got to mess around getting the bus down to Brockwell Park, especially if you’ve got kids in tow.

    No big deal doing it one year (chipping down to Brockwell Park if you’re in Clapham, Norwood, etc.; over to Streatham Common if you’re in Brixton, Tooting or Norwood; to Clapham if you’re in Brixton, Stockwell, Balham, Tooting etc.) and one year you might sack it off because it’s a bit too much of a hassle going to the furthest venue for a few fireworks.

    But that’s 3 years now it hasn’t been hosted in Clapham OR Streatham, which affects people in Clapham, Balham, Tooting, Norwood, Stockwell etc who, although not all part of Lambeth, would’ve been going to local Bonfire Night displays for years (decades in some cases).

    Lambeth Council really do need to redress this balance and make absolutely certain that the displays are held in Clapham or Streatham for the next few years, then get back into a proper rotation, otherwise they’re just failing their constituents across the borough and in local surrounding communities.

  2. Chriiiist why can’t everyone chill out. Bang bang whizz bang, finished. Huzzah!
    Seems to be a fair bit of snobbery here so if you claphamites are so superior you can probably afford your own fireworks or, alternatively, make the 1 mile journey to a different park? I’m taking some sparklers, you can all have one.

  3. the council are crazy. They do not care about health and safety. look at brockwell park the whole park is sectioned off by fences. so if something serious happens how the hell can we get out did of cause according to Lambeth council. and when the display is over it will be traffic grid lock . for 2 hours thanks to Lambeth council.

    but if the council held it at 3 of there park or just two people with have options. I think the council should get a kick up the backside and let the fireworks events take place at all 3 parks Clapham Streatham and brockwell.

    good luck everyone who dares to go to brockwell park firework display. if something happens 3 things you should do:

    * complain to Lambeth council
    complain Mr Chuka Umunna
    last not but not least stay safe, and complain to Lambeth council

  4. That’s really disappointing. We pay ridiculously high council taxes in Lambeth and for the third year running, we don’t get fireworks in Clapham. We have to suffer a legion of chavs churning up the common for SW4 each summer, yet they cancel one of the few (previously) regular events that created a nice evening for the whole community.

    • Pete. Your comment made me lol. Some people in Clapham think they are really superior and most of them
      Are not even from south London. Clapham is a very diverse place and includes expensive and non expensive parts. Have a wander along the Northcote Rd and see how it changes when you get near the station. Those chavs as you so snobbishly put it are probably Battersea born and bred. So if you don’t like it I suggest you move to North London.

  5. Such a shame not have the fireworks in Clapham yet again. Brockwell Park isn’t as easily accessible. Myself and lots of Claphamites won’t be able to attend!

  6. we are SO disappointed that it’s not made it to clapham AGAIN! It’s so much easier to get to clapham common to see the fireworks…we were really excited about it returning and my kids are v unhappy that they miss it for another year.

  7. I was really looking forward to the fireworks returning to clapham common. now its just been a huge disappointment for me and my friends as we cant make it up to brockwell park. youve ruined a perfect night out that has planned for weeks. no ones happy about the move and its really unfair on everyone that had plans to go there.

    • U only have to get the 35 bus from clapham common all the way there it takes about 15 minutes.
      What hard about that?

      • First of all the 35 doesn’t go straight there. The closest the 35 goes to Brockwell Park is the Town Hall. You’re probably thinking of the 37.

        Secondly, you don’t know where she lives. She could live in Clapham South, Balham, Tooting, Stockwell, Kennington, etc. all of which Clapham Common is most accessible to.

        All Lambeth Council have done by holding the fireworks in Brockwell Park 3 years running is shortchange the majority of Lambeth residents and those communities in neighbouring boroughs who would have been attending the most accessible fireworks displays (at Clapham Common or Streatham Common) for years.

        It’s simply unacceptable.

  8. One nice thing about the Clapham Common fireworks show is the wide range of transit options and Tube stations. Brockwell Park access will primarily be from Herne Hill rail station. The buses are going to be a nightmare with the number of people who will be thronging the streets.

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