Hundreds of people have turned out in Windrush Square, Brixton for a party to celebrate the death of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
About 200 people are currently congregated in the square, with many dancing to sound system attached to a bicycle.
Police also have a presence in front pf the Ritzy cinema, and people are waving banners reading “Thatcher’s Dead.”
The party, publicised on Facebook, as attracted widespread criticism from politicians.
More to follow.
If yߋu want to inquire your day out fоr a espresso,do not textfuɑl content!
Annd have absolute fun juѕt the way you know it. The discussiօns you have
with hem are on a various ԁegrеe altogether.
Good to see Jo Brand(top picture) around the area after her awful comments about Streatham last year.
Fortunately this is just a minority, the smashing of the Barnados children’s charity shop by an even smaller minority from this group, shows the extent that some will go to. Well our democracy enables all to express themselves, but some of what is expressed is truly sickening.
Thatcher was truly a marmite leader, but neither can she be praised for developing policies that were, let’s face it, not her own, but stolen from from the capitalist handbook, nor blamed for the short sightedness of her policies like the right to buy, that merely redirected finances from building social houses into paying down council debts that were allowed to mount by her competitors, and eventually led to a housing bubble. no one could have foreseen the mistakes she made in that regard. Blaming her is neither helpful nor constructive in terms of helping us to sort out the current mess. Indeed the whole country is collectively to blame, it voted for her, quite unanimously.
Nether of our main parties, left of right, has a blame free track record, it is probably best not dwelling on the past but one thing is sure, it is far easier to blame than to lead us to better times, or even, god forbid, learn from the past.
you should have tried groing up in scotland . thatcher the milk theif . this was sometimes the only breafast kids got and she stole it from them – then she stole and stole till we had nothing left but anger and thats what we feel today .
Well done Brixton, ding dong!!!!!
Proud of Brixton for not forgetting the communities she exploited while ensuring the rich got richer.
People tend to forget – the poll tax, her demonisation of Unions home and abroad (eg, calling Mandela a Terrorist), the Thatcher Roadshow of destruction of towns and cities across the UK – and people are still suffering because of it (look at Wales, Scotland and Northern England).
Personally, this should be a Bank Holiday!!
I am also ashamed to see this. Margaret Thatcher took some very bold decisions which no previous PM had the guts to take. We had a failing mining industry that was uncompetitive and being held together by a union leader who was more interested in ideology than pragmatism. Even Kinnock pointed out that if Scargill had been less focused on beating Mrs Thatcher and more on the welfare of the miners we could have had less unionised and more productive mines. I remember life in the 70s and it was far from great. Everything was unionised to the point where at the end of the winter of discontent you couldn’t even get buried as the grave diggers were out too. Yes she sold off council houses but she increased home ownership from 50% to 70% and we started seeing those who bought council homes replacing windows and doors, tending the lawns and generally looking after what was theirs. Yes she sold BT but it took months to get a line in and having being brought up in rural Shropshire I can tell you BT refused to put in a line to our house as it was too remote. She made the individual believe that through hard work success would prevail; a true protestant ethics. Minimal state intervention and maximum individual effort. Also she was against Europe federalising our laws and decisions, something which we are all too conscious of now.
With no contingency plans of how thousands of people in mining villages up and down the country were going to survive – she left them to rot. we’re talking generations ruined. So you go to Wales or Yorkshire and tell them your little idealogical take on what happened in the 80’s. Maybe pass into Liverpool on your journey and tell them about their once thriving Docks.
She sold off the council houses, but never mind eh? It’s good that the lawns were neat and the place didn’t look untidy…?!?!? Tell that to one of the hundreds of homeless people or one of the thousands of families living 4 to a room in hostels and B&B’s up and down the country.
You have obviously fallen for her evil logic and don’t care about society or humankind as a whole. You just look after number one and fuck everyone else.
Why are you here? What is your purpose?
Utterly sickening. Today I am ashamed to be a Brixton resident.
Feel free to move to Clapham then mate