Snow continued to fall across Brixton this weekend, leaving streets, gardens and rooftops swathed in at least 5cm of snow yesterday.
Well-gritted main roads kept traffic, and buses, moving, but the real fun was to be had in side streets and green spaces all over town.
Hundreds of snowmen, women, and creatures of all shapes and size sprung up as Brixtonites made the most of the unusual dump of white stuff.
Incredibly, some members of the Brockwell Lido Winter Swimming Group even donned Speedos to break the ice. Guy Wickett, founder, said “Quite a few of us managed to head down over the weekend – it was just delightful”. He was joined by several others including Katie Kingwell and Sara Atkinson.
Katie who is a first time winter swimmer from Brixton Hill said: “It’s been so exciting with all the snow – swimming this weekend was such a fantastic experience. Today was 2.9 degrees and a proper blizzard for our swim – we couldn’t have asked for better conditions!”
“Afterwards you feel so glowing and alive, and like you can achieve anything”.
Here are a selection of pictures uploaded the the Brixton Blog Flickr pool by readers, as well us some taken by the Blog team on a wintry walkabout.
You can send your pictures to us info@brixtonblog.com, or upload them straight to Flickr.

on Flickr.