UK Uncut protest against cuts to children’s services

UK Uncut Brixton is protesting against cuts to children’s services on December 8. They will be transforming Starbucks on Brixton Road into a crèche to demonstrate against the threatened privatisation of One O’Clock Clubs in the area.

Lambeth Save Our Services are supporting the UK Uncut Brixton action and already have a campaign running on the issue of the One O’Clock clubs here.

The protest is part of a nationwide action against the tax evasion practiced by big companies like Starbucks. UK Uncut groups across the country will be transforming their local Starbucks coffee shops into “a refuge from the cuts” specifically related to services that women depend on, such as a creche. The UK Uncut website states that “if the government took strong action to stop tax dodging by companies like Starbucks, we could easily afford to prevent the £5.6m being cut from violence against women services, the 25% cut to funding for Sure Start centres and the further £10 billion benefit cuts.

The facebook event can be found here.



  1. Does anyone know if the Brixton branch is a franchise or not? Only you’ll just be hurting the British tax paying businessperson and his/her staff if it is.

  2. i suspect starbucks will have something to say about that. still, we can hope that they’re silly enough to stay open…

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